Ask the Answer Person: "Why haven't you had a story yet about Menard's coming to Decorah?"
Posted: Thu, Oct 8, 2020 2:03 PM
( has received numerous e-mails and comments asking us to confirm that Menard's is buying the Spahn & Rose and Decorah Chevrolet properties on Highway 9 in order to build a new store)
The Answer Person says: "Here's why we haven't posted a story yet--because the rumor is absolutely, positively 100 percent false!
Here's what Spahn & Rose Decorah manager Eli Swift has to say: "I cannot speak for Kelly Bachelder, but Spahn and Rose Lumber Co. has no intentions to sell to anyone. In fact we are growing as a company through acquisition and have recently purchased Dunn Lumber in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin as well as Moeller and Walter in Reinbeck, Iowa." Swift says the rumor has gotten "to the extreme" and is beginning to frustrate him.
So the next time someone tells you they have a hot rumor about Menard's in Decorah, tell them to check their facts!"