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Letter to the Editor: We shouldn't shut down Iowa because of COVID-19

Posted: Sun, Sep 13, 2020 1:17 PM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Judy Ehler of Ossian):

"About our Governor Reynolds requesting that the state be forced to shut down the state due to the virus testing positives uptick:  (if New York is doing so great, why are so many of their small businesses begging to be allowed to reopen or many of them will be losing their businesses that they worked so hard to start and run.  And yet the governor and mayor of New York allows riots and music shows to be run without any restrictions.  And what about Governor Cuomo sending hospitalized elderly patients with covid 19 to be sent to nursing homes to infect the rest of the residents, causing many deaths, even though there was a medical ship waiting unfilled?

With all due respect, our state (or country) cannot take another complete shutdown. Our businesses cannot survive another shutdown.  This is not just about money; this is about lives and families being stressed beyond what many can take.  The mental health issues and suicides have gone through the roof.  The lives affected by this virus have affected everyday Iowans (and Americans) in ways that are very damaging. (South Dakota and its people and businesses are doing much better even though they never shut down.)

I know this virus is serious.  We need to protect our most vulnerable.  But the H1N1 was just as dangerous and I don't remember being shut down for that."