Like all churches and places of worship across the country and even the world, Decorah Covenant Church had to quickly adapt to the restriction of public gatherings brought on by COVID 19 back in March. In order to do so, they moved to online worship services and Zoom meetings, but starting this Sunday, they will resume in-person worship -- outside.
Pastor of Worship & Connections Julie Chamberlain explains, "We want to take seriously the particular risks of transmission in a gathered worship setting and also the need people feel for connection and embodied community in this moment. We hope that worshipping outdoors will allow us to be together in a way that mitigates some of the most significant risk factors. We are thankful to have a covered parking lot and lots of room for people to bring their own chairs and set up in socially distanced family groups."
Senior Pastor Don Holmertz adds, "Since our building used to be a bank, and the covered parking used to be the drive through facility, we've always thought of this as a unique feature we should take advantage of. When we started thinking about worshipping in person after the quarantine, it was natural for us to try to use it. "
"We are mindful of the fact that a number of our congregants will need to remain at home," says Chamberlain, "and we will continue to offer an online worship service for them. The church is not a building, but it is a Body. As we adapt to new settings and new ways of worshiping together, we are eager to see how the Spirit will fall on us in fresh ways."
What will worship look like? Worship will take place in the parking lot under the awning with a shorter service, limited singing and more instrumental music. Offering plates will not be passed, masks will be strongly encouraged, and the church building will be off-limits except for the use of the bathrooms.
People are asked to bring their own chairs and supervise their own children for the safety and comfort of everyone in attendance. For those who don't feel comfortable attending the outdoor service in person, it will be recorded and made available at www.decorahcovenantchurch.org.