Decorah--Iowa's waterfall capital?
Posted: Sun, Jun 14, 2020 1:00 PM
(Dunnings Spring photo courtesy of Travel Iowa)
Decorah has been attracting large crowds of tourists this summer, despite the COVID-19 epidemic. The community's small size and the lack of COVID-19 cases has made it attractive to people in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the rest of Iowa who want to take a day trip to a place with things to do outdoors.
The tourism attractions in Decorah have gotten a boost from the Travel Iowa website maintained by the Iowa Department of Tourism. Decorah is at the top of a state tourism article called "13 Wonderful Waterfalls in Iowa," landing the first three mentions in the article:
Dunnings Spring tops the list, with Travel Iowa saying the waterfall is "located in Dunnings Springs Park, just off Ice Cave Road in Decorah. It's a short and easy walk from the parking lot." Travel Iowa also suggests checking out Ice Cave or biking or walking the nearby Trout Run Trail.
Next on the list is Siewer's Spring at the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery. Travel Iowa notes the waterfall is "technically a spillway," but says the falls "are easily accessible" and are located near the Decorah Fish Hatchery, as well as the Decorah bald eagle nest.
The third waterfall mentioned is Malanaphy Spring, off Bluffton Road. Travel Iowa says, "Getting to this spring-fed waterfall requires a two-mile (round-trip) trail hike along the Upper Iowa River."
For good measure, the article on "13 Wonderful Waterfalls in Iowa" also advises tourist to "head back downtown and fuel up at Mabe's Pizza, Magpie Coffeehouse, Toppling Goliath Brewery or Pulpit Rock Brewing."
Also mentioned in the article are Bridal Veil Falls in Pikes Peak State Park in McGregor and Beulah Springs Falls in McGregor.

(Siewers Spring photo courtesy of Iowa DNR)

(Photo of Malanaphy Spring by Bob White, courtesy of Iowa Tourism)