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Letter to the Editor: Is failing to ensure safety and peace of mind at the polls a form of voter suppression?

Posted: Thu, Jun 11, 2020 9:40 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Valerie Hershfield of Decorah):

"In the past I have often voted by mail, and I will surely do so going forward due to my experience of voting in person in Decorah last week. Protecting my health and that of others is the reason.

I was alarmed and saddened when I arrived at the Courthouse to see that only two of the five poll workers were wearing masks.  One of them told me I had my choice of four stations to check in. The fifth person was handing out ballots.  Due to the lack of masks, I had only two choices, which was enough, but not the issue.  

When I reluctantly moved to take my ballot from a woman without a mask, I asked her why she wasn't wearing one.  Her answer was, 'For health reasons.'  Obviously not for my health! I didn't ask the others why they weren't wearing them, but information of how the coronavirus is spread – and NOT spread -- is readily available. It shouldn't be asking too much that officials have a clear understanding of it. If someone has COPD or asthma (advice about whether or not these people should wear masks is mixed), then that person should not be working there at all -- not putting herself, as well as others, at risk. As I walked away, a poll worker said, 'It's not required.'  Why isn't it ?  

All voters should feel safe going to the polls. Is failing to ensure this safety and peace of mind a form of voter suppression? If the clerks in a store are not masked, we have the option of not going into that store. We don't have the option of going elsewhere to vote.  In watching television coverage, I noted that some other Iowa precincts not only had all poll workers wearing masks, but there were plexiglass screens.  We all hope Covid-19 is not a threat by November; in reality, many health experts are saying that a second wave of infections in America isn't a matter of if, but when. There has already been a resurgence in some states.

So, yes, it's best to vote by mail. However, our country still offers a choice, and it is reasonable to expect that our officials take action to ensure every voter's comfort and safety and, therefore, ability to vote."