In an email and survey sent out to Decorah School District's families last week, Superintendent Mark Lane explained the need for feedback in developing one possible strategy for the Return to Learn plans.
Local school districts are developing plans for three different possible learning delivery models during the 2020-2021 school year: continuous learning, hybrid learning, and on-site learning. The model chosen to be used will depend on many factors, including the status of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if a district chooses one option to begin with, each district should be ready to switch their plans to one of the other models should circumstances change. The Decorah district is digging in and exploring each option to make sure every student is equipped to learn no matter which option is used for the fall.
In his email, Lane asked people to fill out a quick survey in order to assist administration in determining the viability of a hybrid model of learning. The Department of Education says the following about hybrid learning: "All districts and accredited nonpublic schools may choose to offer educational services through a hybrid model of Continuous Learning and On-Site Learning for at least some portion of the 2020-21 school year. This means services are offered both remotely and at physical school locations. The hybrid model may allow for social distancing while partially reopening school buildings to provide educational services."
Lane wants to be transparent about the district's approach to the hybrid model of learning. To clear up any confusion, he said, "First, the Department (of Education) uses the word "may" in the guidance. It is not required that we have a plan for hybrid learning, and it would not be required that we deploy a hybrid model. Second, this would not be our preferred model of learning, and we would only use a hybrid plan if it is viable, and if circumstances dictate we should. While our strong desire is to be able to engage in on-site learning, we also want to be fully prepared for any type of learning model. Therefore, we are seeking feedback about two possible hybrid learning plans."