The Luther College Center for Ethics and Public Engagement (CEPE) has created a Decorah Community Writing Project titled "de-isolation."
From June 6 to July 7, the CEPE invites the submission of essays, stories, poems and commencement speeches for 2020 that reflect on a world with COVID-19. Submissions may be fiction or non-fiction. Successful submissions will be compiled into a book titled "de-isolation."
"The goal of this project is to provide a creative outlet during a time when many of us are isolated from one another and experiencing significant changes in our daily lives," said project initiator and professor of German at Luther Soeren Steding.
All authors featured in the book will receive one free copy. Any revenues from the sale of the book will be donated to a local charity.
Submissions should be sent to de-isolation@luther.edu. For further specifications about the project and submissions, visit www.cepe.luther.edu or www.luther.edu/ethics-public-engagement/de-isolation/.