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USDA grant will lower the cost of energy audits for small businesses and agricultural producers

Posted: Sun, Jun 7, 2020 7:21 PM

Luther College's Center for Sustainable Communities and the Winneshiek Energy District have received USDA funding to provide energy audits to small businesses and agricultural producers in NE Iowa and SE Minnesota. The grant funding significantly reduces the cost of an energy audit.

The energy audits for farms and businesses identify cost-effective energy efficiency measures and can also include other clean energy opportunities like solar power. They include detailed implementation plans developed in consultation with the participants based on their goals and priorities.

In addition to being available in Winneshiek County, the energy audits are available in Fillmore and Houston Counties in Minnesota; Howard, Allamakee, Fayette, Clayton, Delaware, Jones, and Jackson Counties in Iowa; and Dubuque County, excluding the Dubuque metro area.

The grant support is especially valuable because Black Hills Energy and Alliant Energy recently discontinued their small business energy assessment programs.

The capacity of the program is limited by funding. Applications will be evaluated as they are received, with input from WED and other local partners. Participants interested in completing clean energy projects and willing to participate in clean energy outreach activities are especially encouraged to apply.

Further information is available by contacting WED Lead Energy Planner Joel Zook at (563) 380-7137, or email