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Letter to the Editor: Iowa looks increasingly like a banana republic full of bullies

Posted: Sun, Jun 7, 2020 11:53 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Lyle Luzum of Decorah):

"The COVID-19 shutdown gave us a temporary respite from our legislature. At least while in recess they couldn't do any damage in the open. But they're back and the Senate's first priority was to remove limits on loaded firearms in public buildings, with the ability to assess damages to local officials who dare to limit that.

The new law affects our State Capitol, too, just like in Michigan and Kentucky.  And our Courthouse.  And our City Hall.  And our schools. That ought to bring us together.  And, of course, our Senator Breitbach was for it. No surprise there.
If history is any guide, this legislature will fill their bucket of public-interest vandalism to overflowing and will be ready to be enact it all before the next election potentially puts a damper on it--and while mass public hearings are not feasible. How handy.  Watch as Iowa continues on its path of becoming the wild west of right wing, anti-public interest actions in the next few weeks. The preview was just released. Great timing, folks. So sensitive to our needs at this time.
What will Representative Bergen and Governor Reynolds do when this agenda gets into their hands? Remember, it doesn't matter if you're a "nice person" if you quietly, with a kind smile, vote for this legislation. That has the same effect as advocating for it.

No wonder the world looks on in disbelief and horror. We look increasingly like a banana republic full of bullies, not the light of the world."