The Iowa Department of Education has issued reopening guidance for summer sports as of May 20th in response to Governor Reynolds allowing summer sports to commence on June 1st.
For everyone:
- "No one should attend or participate in practice [or games] if they currently have symptoms or have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days."
- The bleachers are limited for fans. Fans are also encouraged to bring their own chairs or stand.
- Fans are personally responsible to adhere to public health guidelines and social distancing between different households.
- "No concessions stands are permitted."
- "Contact public health if a positive case of COVID-19 is reported."
For players:
- "Players should use their own gloves, helmets, and bats as much as possible."
- "Players must bring their own water/beverage...No shared drinking fountains, portable hydration stations, or coolers may be used."
- Check temperatures before attending a game or practice.
- Bring your own hand sanitizer.
- "No dugouts may be used" during practices. Instead, players should line their items against the fence at least six feet apart.
- "Use of dugouts is permitted during games only."
For coaches:
- "Coaches are responsible for ensuring social distancing."
- Shared equipment must be sanitized before and after practice.
- Know students' preexisting health conditions and take precautions as needed.
- "The spitting of sunflower seed shells" is banned.
- Absences must be tracked to note potential COVID-19 cases.
For parents:
- "Parents must remain in their cars or drop off and pick up players after practice."