(Several parents have asked why the Decorah School District is instituting required distance learning classes for Decorah High School students but creating only optional learning programs for younger students):
The Answer Person says: "In their statement announcing that Decorah High School students would be required to take part in distance learning classes through the end of the school year, district officials mentioned their desire to enable all current Decorah High School students to receive credit for their school work. The concern was that without such online classes this spring, students would not have the credits necessary to graduate high school and be prepared for college and/or careers. Decorah School District staffers say earning class credits is unique to high school, which is why the school district will not have required classes for early childhood through 8th grade students.
There was also another major influence in the decision to treat high school students differently than students in other grades—the results of a parent survey. For instance, the survey learned that 94 percent of high school students have district-issued computers or other technology, while only 60 percent of early elementary students do. Parents of high school students who answered the survey were also much more likely to agree with the statement, 'My child has the technology skills to independently access and complete grade level appropriate online learning opportunities.' On a four-point scale, high school parents gave that question a 3.46 response, while early elementary parents gave a 2.54 response. Parents of early elementary school students also more highly favored the option for students to pick up a weekly work packet."