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Ask The Answer Person: Could Joe Biden's campaign bus have been ticketed for violating the City of Decorah's anti-idling ordinance?"

Posted: Tue, Dec 10, 2019 10:53 AM

(Joe asks: "The campaign bus for Joe Biden was parked behind the Hotel Winneshiek with its engine running for at least three hours on Friday night.  Couldn't the driver have been ticketed for violating the City of Decorah's anti-idling ordinance?"

The Answer Person says: "Umm, actually there isn't a City of Decorah anti-idling ordinance.  The ordinance has been proposed several times in recent years, including once when then-mayor Don Arendt vetoed the ordinance and the veto was not overturned.

That means the Biden bus violated no laws by being parked behind the Hotel Winneshiek while Biden and John Kerry were speaking.  We'll now begin the partisan debate over whether Biden's bus SHOULD have been parked for three hours plus with its engine running......: