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Decorah Police are pledging a renewed effort to keep tobacco out of the hand of local youth

Posted: Wed, Dec 4, 2019 8:52 AM

The Decorah Police Department is pledging a renewed effort to prevent illegal sales of tobacco and alternative nicotine and vapor products by educating retailers and increasing awareness of changes in Iowa's tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws.

The police department will provide retailers with educational training in order to familiarize them with state laws and provide responsible sales techniques.  Officers also will perform tobacco and alternative nicotine and vapor product compliance checks.

The latest figures show that 91 percent of Iowa retailers were in compliance with Iowa's tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product sales laws – 9 percent of Iowa's retailers sold tobacco products to minors during the last round of compliance checks.  Studies have shown that tobacco law enforcement efforts, in conjunction with retailer education, reduce illegal sales of tobacco products to minors.

"Retailer training is a great way for clerks to prepare themselves to refuse illegal tobacco and alternative nicotine and vapor product sales," said Decorah Police Chief David Smutzler.  "The training also assists retailers to ensure they maintain a compliant and responsible establishment," he added.