(Front row, from left): Mark Carolan and Brock Willey. (Standing, from left): Kelly Sorenson, Lenny Imoehl, Kurt Hageman, Cory Fels, Steve Vanden Brink, Cody Vagts and Julie Henry
The Winneshiek Firemen's Bull Bash committee has presented a check in the amount of $7,500 to the Winneshiek County Firemen's Association.
Most recently the funds from last year's event were used to purchase a new smoke machine that is water based, so that it is safer to use when doing drilling on air pack use and search and rescue. Proceeds from the Bull Bash also have been used to enhance area fire departments in education and resource management; as matching dollars on a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant for radios and pagers; as matching dollars for a countywide Fire Fighter Accountability System; as help in purchasing a digital fire extinguisher training system; and for help in buying standardized hose fittings for area quick fill fire tanker trucks, which increased efficiencies during water shuttle operations.