(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Braden Archer of Decorah):
The Betsy Ross flag was one of the original flags flown by our country. The Gadsden flag was an anti-imperialist rallying symbol for a young country seeking liberation from tyranny. Not symbols of racism and hatred. Unfortunately, they have recently been co-opted by racist, white-supremacist groups for their absurd rallies. There is an argument to be made for keeping history in the museums, and I'd be glad to discuss it, but is it possible that demonizing and disassociating with anything that is misused by these misguided people is actually just giving them more power? If we can't associate with things that are used by racist extremists, then what is going to become untouchable and unspeakable next? Maybe even the modern American Flag?
To those who would say "come on, we're not going to demonize the modern American Flag," I ask, "why not?" Racist white-supremacists have flown it at their rallies. No, at least for now we're not willing to give them the power to co-opt that symbol. So why are we giving them the power to co-opt anything? How long will it be before we decide that those who would fly the flag of their country are considered hateful racists? How long till the mob makes taboo something that you care about?
I understand the most recent decision by the City was about flags being flown by the City specifically, not the people. But if the justification for the City not flying a certain flag or associating with a certain symbol because its history is irrelevant and it's now strictly a symbol of white-supremacy, then what awful things are being implied about people who do fly those flags for reasons that have nothing to do with such hateful rhetoric? These white-supremacists desire to divide us. Stop giving them that power.