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Immigration support march and vigil held Wednesday in Decorah

Posted: Wed, Aug 7, 2019 2:38 PM

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and First Lutheran Church co-hosted a procession and prayer vigil Wednesday in support of immigrants, refugees, and children held in detention at the U.S. southern border.

Supporters met at Carl Selland Wayside Park, across from Pulpit Rock Brewing. Among the group of over thirty supporters were Pastor Amy Zalk Larson of Good Shepherd Church and Pastor Mike Blair of Luther College. Many supporters held handmade signs. One man held a sign saying "Weep for the Children," on the other side it read "Love your neighbor" in Spanish.

Visitation Pastor Marion Pruitt-Jefferson of Good Shepherd Church addressed the group of supporters. She said, "Racism, bigotry, and injustice are antithetical to Jesus' teachings."

The group then marched to nearby Good Shepherd Church, where Pastor Pruitt-Jefferson led a bilingual prayer vigil.

During the vigil, supporters wrote postcards to local lawmakers Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Joni Ernst, urging tolerance, compassion, and swift action.

The march and vigil were held in conjunction with the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, a conference taking place in Milwaukee, WI. In Milwaukee, participants marched to the ICE office, where they held a similar prayer vigil.