School Board approves annual 28 E agreements, annual contract purchases
Posted: Mon, Jul 22, 2019 10:35 PM
On Monday night, the Decorah Community School Board acted on some standard annual contracts and agreements, as well as deferring some discussion/actions:
• The Board discussed potential incentive packages for hiring school bus drivers, including the possibility of sign-on bonuses to aid in recruiting drivers. The bonus would be related to completion of mandatory non-paid training programs that drivers need for certification. There has been an improvement in recruitment lately related to increased wages and advertising of the positions. Discussion was deferred since there was no immediate need, with most positions in place and drivers already possessing the needed credentials.
• First readings of personnel policies related to staff activity passes and pay for working activity events were referred for revision before the next board meeting.
• The board approved annual contracts for bakery products (Pan-O-Gold) and milk (Anderson-Erickson). They also approved the annual exclusive beverage agreement with Gillette Pepsi Cola of Decorah; this contract is for vending and concession stands and earns the district about $4,000 annually.
• Annual 28E agreements with Crossroads Academy, St. Benedict School (food service and teaching) were approved.