The Winneshiek County Community Foundation is giving $125,951 in grants to 30 area nonprofit agencies and organizations.
The following is a list of the 2019 grant recipients, including the name of the nonprofit organization, the project title, brief project description, and the amount awarded:
--Aase Haugen Senior Services – Hi-Low Roll-Off Beds Improve Quality of Life and Safety for Senior Residents - purchasing bariatric hi-low roll-off beds to provide more comfort, prevent falls, and to preserve the dignity of the portion of our residents who would benefit from a larger profile bed.- $6,000
--Calmar Senior Club – Calmar Senior Center Rejuvenation–update interior and exterior fixtures such as lighting, flooring ceiling tiles, benches, and mold treatments - $3,940
--City of Calmar – Calmar Area Swim Team Lane Lines– replacement of existing lane lines at the Calmar City Pool - $1,919
--City of Calmar – Calmar City Park Restroom Project– construction of a new restroom facility, physically accessible by all, to replace the restroom destroyed by the 2017 wind storm- $7,000
--City of Decorah (Library) - Community Classroom –create a multipurpose classroom to host library programs for children, for families to read/play/do crafts and for the community to use for education events and meetings - $5,000
--City of Decorah (Parks and Rec Department)- Vennehjem Playground Project – installation of unique playground equipment to increase community park usage and encourage multi-generation interaction while promoting an active and engaged community. - $5,000
--City of Fort Atkinson (Fort Atkinson Fire Department) – Pagers and Hoods – update five pages with five new units and provide members with paricle barrier hoods - $3,312
--City of Ossian (Fire Department) – Turnout Gear – new bunker gear to protect emergency personnel - $7,000
--City of Ossian – Educational and Performance Pavilion – purchasing sound/video system for the Ossian Educational and Performance Pavillion - $5,000
--City of Protivin ( Protivin Fire Department) Rope and Litter Rescue Equipment – new equipment such as a disaster response litter, harnesses, ropes, webbing, and mechanical devices for ropes to lower and raise equipment and people - $1,000
--Decorah Community Food Pantry – Feeding the Community in Need: Farmer's Market Coupon Program and Support of Food Pantry – purchase turkeys for Thanksgiving 2019 and fund Farmer's Market Coupons which are distributed to income-limiited individuals and families - $5,000
--Decorah Quilts of Valor – 2019 Veterans Day Presentations – make 16 patriotic quilts to award to area veterans - $3,711
--Helping Services for Youth & Families – Youth Mentoring at Helping Services – recruit mentors via advertising, background check mentors, and fund group events and mentor only gatherings - $4,281
--Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging – Winneshiek County Home Delivered Meals Program – provide 617 meals to qualifying home-bound individuals - $5,000
--Northeast Iowa Community Action – Earl Public Transit Computer Security Project – update and secure IT and system data- $5,000
--Northeast Iowa Community College Foundation – NICC for Kids – funding for the inaugural NICC for Kids day camp held on the Calmar Campus Summer 2019 - $5,000
--Northeast Iowa Food Bank – Winneshiek County BackPack Program - The BackPack Program provides children with foods weekly that are nutritious, shelf-stable and kid-friendly on weekends or when school is not in session. - $6,000
--Ossian De Sales Child Care Center – Office Updates – replace file cabinets, chairs and at least one computer and printer - $2,678
--Porter House Museum – Restoring the Porch and Windows – perform repairs and restoration work on the museum's historic front porch and a selection of failing storm windows - $4,600
--Ridgeway Rural Fire Department – Personal Safety Gear – replace protective hoods that fire firehters wear with particulate blooking hoods to be NFPA compliant and to update personnel accountability system - $2,415
--Riverview Center – Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Response – provides crisis intervention response at police stations, Winneshiek Medical, and throughout the community - $4,195
--South Winneshiek Community School District – Preschool Fence –replace fence to provide a safe area for students to play - $5,000
--St. Teresa Calcutta Catholic School – READ...Travel Without Leaving School – adopt a new reading series to create high-quality reading practice with motivating materials to capture students' interest - $6,000
--Sunflower Child Development Center Board – Kitchen Upgrade/Remodel – improvements and upgrades to kitchen, including ventilation changes and structural/equipment updates - $5,500
--Thunder Rode, Inc. – Premier Accredited Center Equipment – new outdoor mounting ramp in preparation to become a Premier Accredited Center - $1,500
--Winneshiek County (Law Enforcement) – Cellebrite Proposal - obtain a Cellebrite machine and software - $6,000
--Winneshiek County – Conservation Board - Environmental Education Supply Updates – update and enhance aged and worn-out educational materials and equipment - $3,000
--Winneshiek County – Recycling Department - Winneshiek County American Flag Disposal Container – install specialized container for American flag disposal for recycling- $1,135
--Winneshiek County Agricultural Association– Cement Walkway – pour a cement walkway to assist those with walkers, canes, wheelchairs, strollers, and those who are unable to wlk on the gravel surface- $1,200
--Winneshiek County Historical Society– Landers-Adams-Bodensteiner Window Restoration– restoration of 8 windows with the assistance of an architect specializing in historic restoration- $5,000
--Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation– Ambulance Services - Patient Safety– purchase of four monitor mounts for power cots and refrigerators for ambulances to keep medications in controlled environments- $7,056
Grants are awarded through the Winneshiek County Community Foundation's competitive grant process. Decisions on grant awards are determined by the local governing committee, which consists of volunteers from Winneshiek County. Grants are awarded to projects in the program areas of: art and culture, community betterment, education, environment, health, historic preservation and human service. Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) designated organization (or government entity) serving Winneshiek County in order to be considered for funding.
The Foundation's 2020 grant cycle opens on November 15th, 2019 with an application deadline of January 10th, 2020. Grant guidelines, and the application when the cycle is open, can be found at