Downtown Decorah sometimes has a parking problem. Downtown Decorah Betterment Association board member Joe Grimstad says on the one hand, that's something to celebrate. On the other hand, there are times—especially in the summer—when it's frustrating to look for an empty parking spot.
Grimstad, who is Chair of DDBA's Parking Committee, says that's why the group is beginning a campaign to get business owners and their employees to "do the right thing" by parking away from their businesses, so customers and visitors can find a spot to park. The "Park It Forward" campaign is a way of reminding people who work at a downtown business what they can do to help ease the parking space shortage.
The campaign will consist of posts on DDBA's Facebook page and distribution of "Park It Forward" flyers to downtown business owners. Grimstad says plans are to hold a party later this spring "to celebrate our parking problem and to celebrate the end of it."