Members of the city's Community Visioning Group would like to see changes to College Drive
Posted: Wed, Mar 20, 2019 4:08 PM
Members of Decorah's Community visioning Group have spent 18 months looking at ways to improve transportation in Decorah. Wednesday they told members of Decorah Betterment that a lot of time has been spent looking at possible changes to College Drive.
The proposal members of the group have come up with would reduce College Drive from four lanes to three lanes, with a center turn lane. The conversion would provide "additional space along the sides of College Drive for improved pedestrian and environmental features."
Group members say College Drive is a primary entrance to the community, but the large expanses of concrete "underserves the desired aesthetics."
The plan being proposed would create a defined trail on the side of College Drive, using trees to separate the trail from the street. The plan would also create new ways to increase stormwater storage, which has been an issue closer to the College Drive Bridge.
The projects would carry a high price tag, however, with an estimated cost of just over $1 million.