Blue Water Navy Veterans are people who served on ships within 12 nautical miles of shore during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange, the defoliant that was sprayed on fields in Vietnam, has been linked to numerous health conditions including Parkinson's. "Blue Water Navy" veterans say they pumped water onto their ships that was desalinated and used for drinking, cooking and bathing. That water, they argue, contained runoff from the millions of gallons of Agent Orange sprayed on low-lying swampland. A list of possible symptoms of Agent Orange poisoning is available at:
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Court Circuit has issued a 9-2 decision that says the same disability benefits offered to veterans who had boots on the ground and who patrolled inland rivers should also be offered to sailors who served on ships. But the VA could still appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court. An agency spokesperson says the agency "is reviewing this decision and will determine an appropriate response." It has 90 days to consider whether to file an appeal.
In the meantime, Blue Navy Veterans or their surviving spouses are being urged to file a claim with their nearest County VA Office. Says the public service announcement, "Please share this information with any Blue Water Navy Veterans or Surviving Spouses. This could be a huge victory, but it's not finalized yet! For more information, questions or filing a claim, please go see your local County VA Office."