Letter to the Editor: "Every legal vote counts"
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2018 6:11 AM
(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Shirley Vermace of Decorah):
"Secretary of State Paul Pate's website (https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterinformation/absfaq.html) says: 'All absentee ballots that are received on time are considered for counting. Absentee ballots received by Election Day are counted on Election Day. Ballots received after Election Day but before the deadline are counted when the absentee and special voters' precinct board meets as long as they are postmarked the day before Election Day or earlier.'
The ACLU of Iowa website (https://www.aclu-ia.org/en/voting-early-iowa) says: 'To be counted in the election, your absentee ballot must be postmarked no later than the Monday before Election Day and received in the county auditor's office no later than one week after Election Day. Or you may hand-deliver your absentee ballot to the county auditor's office anytime before the polls close at 9:00 p.m. on Election Day.'
All votes must be counted. If the USPS had the 29 absentee ballots in their possession the Monday before Election Day, but neglected to postmark them properly, the votes should be counted. This is Iowa law. It is not voters taking their time and asking for separate rules. There are Iowa voters who are currently working in Dubai, Norway, Germany, and hundreds of other places all over the world and many serving in our military. They have to rely on the USPS to get their votes officially into the system. If they do EVERYTHING according to Iowa Voting Laws, then the USPS doesn't postmark them properly, it is not the fault of the voter. This is still a democracy and their votes should count. I have photos of ALL of my mail sent to me via email, so I know the USPS captures images of mail. Let's hope they still have those photos! EVERY LEGAL VOTE COUNTS."