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Ask Mr. Answer Person: "What can you tell us about Luther's dike improvement and road repair by the softball and baseball fields?"

Posted: Fri, Sep 28, 2018 1:27 PM

(Doug e-mails: "Dear Mr. Answer Person: What can you tell us about Luther's dike improvement and road repair by the softball and baseball fields?"):

Mr. Answer Person says: "The application by Menards to rezone floodplain property on Old Stage Road for development has focused public attention on any project having to do with flood protection.

But it's important to point out the difference of the Luther College dike project--it was started because of a recommendation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMA issued a new 100-year flood map in 2013 which took into account that there have been more floods than usual in recent years.  The new FEMA map predicted flood levels that would be higher than Luther's dike system.  FEMA's recommendation was that Luther add an average of two feet to its dikes--a little bit more on the south part of the dike, a little bit less on the north part of the dike.

Work began on the north part of the project earlier this summer, improving Dike Road north of the Luther tennis courts.  Plans are for the south part of the project to be done next year (although that schedule is dependent on weather conditions).  When the project is completed, Luther will be in compliance with FEMA standards--which will mean the college can avoid paying higher insurance premiums it would have to pay if it did not meet FEMA standards."