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NMP announces cast for upcoming children's show

Posted: Thu, Sep 20, 2018 9:56 AM
Pictured L to R (front row): Mason Myers, Kaya Johnson, Noah Potvin; (second row): Violet Martinsen-Burrell, Nessa Kane; (third row): Danielle Mason,  Caleb Johnson, Becca Kane, Poppy Bellrichard, Lulu Bellrichard, Nora Lesmeister; ( back row): Hope Stahl, Rose Martinsen-Burrell, Greta Jones, Addison Wicklund, Renae Wilson, Olivia Paulsen; (not pictured): Hannah Arendt, June Breitenbach-Dirks, Mara Branum,  Isabella Sailor, Adina Scardina, Margret Zook

Children are reciting lines, learning songs, and rehearsing scenes to prepare for New Minowa Players upcoming children's show, "Genie in the Sand," playing October 18th-21st.
The show is an original show written and stage directed by Rick Scheffert. The whimsical songs and lyrics were written and directed by Sheryl Scheffert. The show is a tale of wishes being granted, and of problems that arise.
When parents (Rose Martinsen-Burrell and Mason Myers) take jobs in a new location and move, their six children (Nora Lesmeister, Mara Branum, Noah Potvin, Margret Zook, June Breitenbach-Dirks, and Greta Jones)  unexpectedly find a genie (Becca Kane) while digging in the sand. Wishes are granted and things go awry. Family friends (Danielle Mason, Addison Wicklund, Caleb Johnson, Lulu Bellrichard, Isabella Sailor and Kaya Johnson) help out, and farmers and townspeople share their adventures. Moving the story along in many other roles are Nessa Kane, Adina Scardina, Hannah Arendt, Hope Stahl, Poppy Bellrichard, Violet Martinsen-Burrell, Olivia Paulsen, Renae Wilson.

"Genie in the Sand" will be performed October 18th-20th at 7:00 p.m. and October 21st at 2:00 p.m. at the New Minowa Players Theatre at 906 S. Mill Street in Decorah. Tickets are available online at and will be available at the Oneota Community Co-op.