Letter to the Editor: Find ways to create new jobs in Decorah (such as Menard's)
Posted: Mon, Sep 3, 2018 4:38 PM
(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Ryan Hemesath of Decorah):
"Andy Carlson of Decorah once stated he's 'concerned where Menard's is going to find 150 employees' and he's concerned Menard's will start poaching employees from other local Decorah business. I want to take a moment here to appreciate how removed from reality this comment is and to all who have effectively prevented Menard's from ever building in Decorah.
As far as the poaching is concerned, given the fact that wages have been stagnant the last 10 years, even in the face of a supposedly tight labor market, maybe there ought to be some poaching to increase wages. And given the fact the millions who have left the labor force the last 10 years who are not counted as unemployed because they didn't meet the criteria that is set by the government, I'm sure Medard's has the entry level basic idea on how to find and hire employees.
To the City of Decorah, Decorah city council, Planning and zoning commission: Stop spending your time all day finding reasons to do away with new jobs. Start recognizing all the reasons to create new jobs."