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Analysis: Is it possible Decorah is actually gaining population?

Posted: Wed, Aug 29, 2018 12:10 PM

Priscilla, a reader, has given us some City of Decorah population figures which raise an interesting question: "Is it possible recent declines in Luther College enrollment are hiding a population increase within the City of Decorah?"

Here are the population figures from 2000, when Luther College enrollment was at its peak: There were 2,627 Luther College students and 5,500 non-Luther College students included in Decorah's official population figure of 8,127 people.

In 2010, the official population figure remained at 8,127 people.  But there were 2,519 Luther College students and 5,608 non-Luther College students included in that figure--an increase of 108 non-students.

The 2016 U.S. Census Bureau estimated population figure for Decorah is 7,985.  That includes 2,337 Luther College students and 5,648 non-students.

In other words, from 2000 to 2016, the number of non-students in the City of Decorah has increased by 148.  It's only a decrease of 290 Luther students which has lowered Decorah's total population.

Population figures are used by the state and federal governments to determine many financial aids to local governments.  That's just one more reason for Decorah residents to root for Luther College to be successful in its effort to return enrollment totals to previous levels.