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Decorah Lions Club donates over $4,000 to parks projects

Posted: Sun, Jun 24, 2018 2:47 PM
(Left to right) Parks Superintendent Scott Ihde, Parks and Recreation Director Andy Nimrod, Decorah Lions Club Treasurer Neil Schraeder, Lions Club President Dennis Evelsizer, and Parks and Forestry Assistant Allie McIntyre.

The Decorah Lions Club has made two donations totaling over $4,000 to the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department.

The first donation of $1,560 was from proceeds the Lions received from the pancake lunch at the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department's "Great Inflate" event last winter.  The donation is part of a 5-year pledge to help reforest the parks following the Emerald Ash Borer.

The second donation of $2,500 is in support of development at the newly-established Vennehjem Park on Highland Drive.