Luther eliminates cable television from student room services
Posted: Thu, May 31, 2018 5:10 PM
Luther College has decided it will no longer provide cable television in individual student rooms on campus.
With more students using streaming-based services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Luther officials have decided it makes more sense for the college instead to invest more than $160,000 to make improvements to the campus wireless network. This includes upgrades in Miller and Dieseth Halls (including Brunsdale Lounge), Brandt Hall, and the College Apartments.
Cable television will continue to be provided in several public areas on campus, including social lounges in residence halls, Legends Fitness Center and Marty's.
Students who wish to acquire a cable television package will be able to subscribe directly with Mediacom. At the beginning of the fall semester, a Mediacom representative will be on campus to answer questions from students and/or to receive subscription requests.