Letter to the Editor: I question the motives of people who denigrate half of the community
Posted: Mon, May 28, 2018 5:41 PM
(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Ben Kerndt of Decorah):
"This is what I take away from the mealymouthed letter to the editor (http://www.decorahnews.com/news-stories/2018/05/19312.html) posted on your site: Half of the community is stupid.
I don't know of any way to interpret that letter except: Half of you voted wrong, because you are too stupid to know the difference.
I find it curious that we now find out rates are going up for the mismanaged water and sewer utility in this city (everyone knew this had to happen, but it was postponed conveniently until after the vote on public power). Our power utilities are already regulated by the state government--the IUB. They have "deep pockets" too. The pockets of every one of us, via taxes.
I do have some questions, For Mr. Answer Person though-
If, in four years, our betters succeed in educating the simpletons among us, and create a municipal power utility, who is the government of Decorah accountable to when it comes to running the power utility? The IUB? If not, why? Who decides how to run the water and sewer? Will public power be better managed than that? If so, how?
I know that there are very intelligent people in this community. I don't question anyone's intelligence because of their vote on any particular matter. I do, however, question the motives of people who denigrate half of the community, while masking their contempt and disdain with language meant for a child, like "you don't know any better, so I'll be kind and just say, you're not too smart."