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Letter to the Editor: "Use common sense and vote 'No' May 1st"

Posted: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 10:04 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Don Arendt of Decorah):

"It is time to use common sense and vote 'No' on the May 1st ballot for a Municipal Electric Utility.

Alliant has been a reliable, community-minded firm for over 100 years. They quickly responded to our needs during the 2008 and 2016 flooding and high wind disasters. As mayor during that time, I spent hours in the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) trying to help manage the disasters. In 2008 Alliant was quick to respond with a temporary substation to supply electricity beyond Bruening ponds. This kept electric power in the Business Park as well as residences in the Freeport area. Will a municipal utility provide this assistance?

I have noticed that many supporting Decorah Power do not live in the city limits and will not be paying any residential property taxes for this million dollar gamble. They have no risk. I trust our Decorah taxpayers will stop this gamble that instructs the city council to squander millions of dollars. Our city has many more urgent infrastructure needs. Let's get this utility issue off the agenda and work on important issues like schools, housing, business retention and recreational facilities."