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100+ Women Who Care--Oneota Valley Chapter raises $7,505 for the Humane Society

Posted: Tue, Apr 10, 2018 9:21 AM

100+ Women Who Care Oneota Valley Chapter raised $7,505 for the Humane Society of Northeast Iowa at it meeting Monday night at Toppling Goliath.

Keri Bodensteiner gave the pitch that secured the donation for HSNEI and accepted the donation on their behalf.  If you weren't able to attend the meeting, but would still like to donate, drop off a check to Kim Bonnet, Heidi Rockweiler, Alecia Bucksa, Chauncy Eggland, Sara Wientzen, or Jen Gipp before Sunday.
The next 100+ Women Who Care Oneota Valley Chapter meeting will be Monday, July 9th, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The location will be announced closer to the date.  Everyone is invited.