Winneshiek Medical Center Registered Nurse Mary Sender recently retired from Winneshiek Medical Center after serving for 36 years. But she has now returned to work solely on enhancing Winneshiek Medical Center's emergency preparedness plan. She says, "Unfortunately, in today's world, we need to be prepared for more than weather-related emergencies or large-scale accidents. We regularly hear news of violent intruders, and felt the need to provide training to staff in response to this risk."
Winneshiek County Emergency Management Coordinator Sean Snyder, Sheriff Dan Marx and Chief Deputy Jeff Berns recently visited the hospital to teach the Department of Homeland Security's approved course called "Run. Hide. Fight." With over 500 staff to reach, the mandatory training was carried out in six different sessions held throughout March.
"I applaud the medical center for taking a pro-active and realistic approach to safety," said Sheriff Marx. "Each organization understands their functions, facility lay-out and responsibilities. Our approach with Run. Hide. Fight. is two-fold: to provide organizations with basic planning considerations and response options, and to create a mutual understanding between the public and law enforcement. Staff know how law enforcement will respond and we know how they have been trained."
Winneshiek Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer Lisa Radtke said, "Patient and staff safety is of the utmost importance at Winneshiek Medical Center, and although one can never be fully ready for safety events, we can be prepared to respond, and guide our patients' response as well."