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Letter to the Editor: "We need to know the real numbers"

Posted: Mon, Mar 26, 2018 3:52 PM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Ketel Paulson of Decorah):

"I keep telling myself this : I need to talk to my neighbors about this referendum.  I know some of them probably have varying opinions about whether municipalization would be good for our community.  They're all good people, we have a rapport, we're a small community ourselves in our little neighborhood.

I loved Jim Sims' letter to the Editor some days ago that nailed it on the head for me.  He said," As I understand this issue is that a 'YES' vote only allows, not mandates, the city to continue to look into the MEU (Municipal Electric Utility) option.   It would allow, again not mandate, the Decorah City Council to apply to the Iowa Utilities Board.  Most importantly, I understand that it also allows the City Council to review Alliant Energy's financial records as to the true value and cost of its Decorah operation.  Why would anyone be afraid of getting a look at the true value and cost of this feasibility study?"  We need to know the real numbers.

According to data from the independent U.S. Energy Information Administration, municipal or public utilities overall offer cheaper residential electricity than private ones (like Alliant )--not including electric cooperatives, federal utilities or power marketers--a difference that holds true in 32 of 48 states where both exist. In addition, these communities can plow more of their revenue back into maintenance and prevention, which can result in more reliable service and faster restorations after power failures.  

In August of 2015, a group of 12 cooperatives completed a purchase of Alliant Energy's electric service territory in southern Minnesota, which serves more than 43,000 customers.  The linesmen and other required workers were given the opportunity to continue their work in their same home areas or move to be with Alliant in another region.  I think this should also be the model for whatever future Decorah chooses for itself.

I think we should keep the conversation going and work toward keeping future profits in our own community because there are certainly a great number of projects to spend it on right here.  Think of a community recreation center, better roads, or whatever comes to your mind that we need when we all keep our money here, not in Madison, Wisconsin."