Under previous City of Decorah ordinances, you could get ticketed for having a bee hive on your property. But the Decorah City Council changed that ordinance earlier in December, so that having bee hives is now permitted.
Still, you'll want to know what you're doing! A class at NICC Calmar next month is aimed at teaching beginning beekeepers the skill. "Beginning Beekeeping" will run from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on six consecutive Tuesday nights, starting January 30th, at the Wilder Business Center at 1625 Highway 150 South in Calmar.
The class costs $35. It will be taught by beekeepers Bill and Louise Johnson. Call (563) 557-8271, extension 380, for more information or to register.
There are currently around 4,500 beekeepers in Iowa who manage more than 45,000 colonies of honey bees. These honey bees produce about 4 million pounds of honey annually, valued at over $8 million.