(Peter e-mails: "Have there been any consequences for the truck driver who caused the Dahly Bridge to collapse? And I don't mean his insurance company; I mean him personally."
Mr. Answer Person says: "As we reported over the summer, 29-year-old Justin Hippen of Parkersburg entered a guilty plea to a charge of violating a weight embargo. Hippen admitted that his semi was 54,700 pounds over the posted weight limit when he drove across the Dahly Bridge the morning of May 5th.
Hippen also plead guilty to a lesser charge of failure to obey a bridge embargo. The two charges drew a combined fine of $1,577.14 plus court costs."
Meanwhile, Winneshiek County is not the only Iowa County with a crashed bridge. The Ames Tribune reports that a bridge in Story County has collapsed--and officials believe an overweight grain truck was the culprit (http://www.amestrib.com/news/20171115/bridge-closes-in-south-story-county)