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Local artist's work on display at Luther College

Posted: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 10:08 AM
Yellowstone Falls, an oil painting by Carl Homstad, will be one of the pieces on display during the "Great Places" exhibit at Luther. ​

"Great Places," an exhibit featuring oil paintings by Decorah artist and Luther alumnus Carl Homstad, will go on display Wednesday in the Luther College Center for Faith and Life. The exhibit is open to the public with no charge for admission.

"Great Places" features scenes from the Midwest in addition to more exotic locations around the world. Homstad seeks to bring a "zen" sensitivity to his pieces, having studied Asian art in China and Japan. Homstad makes each piece a snapshot of a place and time, attempting to combine the physical and philosophical world.

In addition to oil paintings, Homstad works in color woodcuts, black and white woodcuts and has created murals in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota.