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Letter to the Editor: "Can we prevent further gentrification of our area?"

Posted: Tue, Aug 22, 2017 4:56 PM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Liz Rog of Decorah):

"We are a region populated almost entirely of folks who've come from other places. We have chosen to come here, or just a few generations ago our ancestors chose to. In this way, whether we grew up here or arrived a few months ago, we are all in the same boat, responsible to the history, present, and future of this place.
This is a letter to the newer folks moving to our area who come with money and are investing in condos, houses, and other real estate.

You are welcome here. You've chosen this place and now you are part of its fabric. You matter. Your presence has an impact on all of us. This letter asks that you make conscious choices so that your impact will help us to continue the good work of nurturing this place. This letter asks that you help this place to be one that's welcoming for all people, rich and poor, young and old, educated in whatever way, born into any language or circumstance.

The attractive pieces of local culture that you can already see—budding local food systems, abundant arts culture, recreational access, small businesses, vibrant school and church communities—were created by thousands of people working together over the past many decades, dreaming and serving, giving and sharing.

Now we need your help. We want to remain a place where our young people and others can afford rent. We need your help so that we can resist the national trend toward class division. We know that you've brought skills, dreams, and financial resources that you can share. We know that you came with the intention to embrace the organic communities that have been in place for decades. Yes! That's what we need.

You are helping in many ways. You are spending your money locally rather than shopping online for groceries, books, or clothes, knowing that's how we'll continue to have a vibrant downtown where we and our kids can make community. You are loaning or giving some of your money to local organizations who are nurturing new seeds. You are sharing your skills with one of the countless local projects already in motion, knowing that the friendships we make while working together in these ways are the glue that holds our community together.

We need you to do all of this—in short, to live as though you'd lived here forever, and as though your great grandchildren will be living here. To walk through your days knowing that we see you, and we want to be seen by you.

Decorah-area residents, can we prevent further gentrification of our area? Perhaps not. Is there a responsible way to gentrify without harming the community that's already in place? I think there is. It would require at least these elements: 1) that the newcomers give fully, both in participation and in financial sharing, to their new home community. 2) that the city and county make policy that prevents soaring rental rates, provides low-and middle-income housing, and generally acts to protect the town from greed in real estate. 3) that we create public transportation in our region to connect us to the other towns in our area. Friends, what else do we need in order to grow gracefully and equitably?

Here we are, thousands of us, long-timers and newly arrived, tending this home every day through acts of hand and heart. Welcome, new friends. Help us to keep weaving community goodness. There's a place for you at the table.