Sometimes, through no fault of their own, a shelter pet can wait months for adoption. Two dogs at the Humane Society of NE Iowa's shelter have been waiting for over one year. HSNEI is publicizing the case of Bud and Dixon in hopes that the two dogs can be adopted.
Bud and Dixon are Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mixes, each weighing around 40 pounds. Dixon is estimated to be about two and a half years old. Bud is estimated to be three and a half years old.
Bud and Dixon came to the shelter after being abandoned by their owners. Now the dogs act totally different than the scared dogs which arrived at the shelter. Both dogs are eager to learn and have learned to walk well on a leash. They love their human friends at the shelter and have learned several new commands.
Says HSNEI, "Bud and Dixon have grown a lot since their time at the shelter and would love to be part of a real family where they will continue to have opportunities for growth and love."
Call HSNEI at (563) 382-0500.