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Volunteers needed for Mississippi River clean up

Posted: Thu, Apr 13, 2017 8:40 AM
The David and Betty Smith family of New Albin helped clean the Hwy. 82 dike during last year's river clean up

Members of "The Friends of Pool 9" are looking for volunteers for a spring Mississippi River cleanup day on Saturday, April 29th from 7:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon in Lansing.

Participants will gather at the Lansing VFW building on Front Street at 7:30 a.m. for registration, orientation, clean up assignments, and clean up supplies. Canvas gloves, garbage bags, and water will be provided. Boats may also meet in New Albin, Ferryville, Lynxville, Heytman's Landing and Black Hawk Park. Each person will receive a Friends of Pool 9 t-shirt and will be treated to a complimentary lunch after finishing their assigned task (approximately noon). Last year a total of 890 volunteer hours brought in 13,000 pounds of garbage.

To volunteer your time, energy and/or your boat, or for more information, call the following contacts: 
Decorah: Sue English 563-382-9561
Waukon:Bruce ReVoir 563-568-7358
Lansing: Bob Seeley 563-568-7713
New Albin: Al Wuennecke 563-544-4929
DeSoto: Jerry Boardman 563-419-7968
Ferryville: Larry Quamme 608-734-9077
Lynxville: Mark Schneden 608-412-0483
Heytman: Sam Miller 319-269-6805
Natalie Baughler, President of FOP9: 563-538-4287 

This event will be held rain or shine, but if cancellation is necessary, an announcement will be made on KNEI, KVIK, and KDEC radio.