A new City of Decorah Administrative Policy calling for Decorah HIgh School and Luther College school flags to be flown during certain days of the year has won the endorsement of the city's Streets Committee.
Under the policy, flags of both schools would be flown downtown during their Homecoming and Commencement celebrations. The Luther College flags will be flown during Move In Week, Family Weekend, Christmas at Luther and Board of Regents meetings on campus. Decorah High School flags could be flown downtown when Decorah High School is hosting a conference or state tournament activity. Luther flags could go up during conference tournaments or to celebrate a conference championship.
The Decorah Street Commissioner would have the final say about weather cancellations, although flags are now made of weather-resistant nylon.
Luther College and Decorah High School would supply the flags to be flown, while the city will supply poles--so the poles work with the city's flag holders.