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Bids opened on Highway 9 and Highway 52 intersection project

Posted: Tue, Mar 21, 2017 11:25 AM
(Photo courtesy of Iowa Department of Transportation)

Skyline Construction of Decorah has submitted the apparent low bid for the project to reconstruct the Highway 9 and 52 intersection in Decorah later this year.

The Iowa DOT offices in Ames received three bids on the project--one for $2,749,462.51 from Skyline Construction, another for $3,098,636.86 from Wicks Construction and a third for $3,891,659.70 from Hawkeye Paving Company.

Iowa DOT District 2 design engineer Nick Humpal described the project to by saying, "The intersection configuration very closely duplicates today's intersection.  The noticeable change when completed will be the removal of the raised stop sign islands and median being replaced with painted islands.  By eliminating the raised islands this will provide us an opportunity to improve the conditions of the turning movements for trucks through the intersection."