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Pulpit Rock Brewing Company beer makes the "Elite Eight" of the Des Moines Register's "Beer Brackets"

Posted: Sun, Mar 19, 2017 12:51 PM

This is the time of year for "brackets," but not just for basketball tournaments.

The Des Moines Register is holding a contest to pick the best Iowa-brewed beer, starting with a "beer bracket" of 64 beers.  The contest now has narrowed the field to the "Elite Eight"--and one of those eight beers is from Pulpit Rock Brewing Company.  "Loopy Lynn' is a double IPA that is competing for a spot in the "Final Four" against the "No Coast IPA" from Peace Tree Brewing.

The field of Iowa-brewed beers will be narrowed further until the winning Iowa beer is announced at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 28th.