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Ask Mr. Answer Person about Emerald Ash trees

Posted: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 11:16 AM
( file photo)

(Bill e-mails a number of questions about Emerald Ash trees being removed in Decorah: ""What is the number of Emerald Ash trees to be taken down on the boulevards in Decorah?  Where is the wood being trucked? and will the stumps be removed so that replacement trees can be planted?")

Mr. Answer Person says: "We contacted City Forester Robin Sailor, who tells us around three dozen ash trees are currently being cut down.  Those won't be the only ones, of course--it's estimated that there are 2,100 trees on the boulevards of Decorah and that around 300 of those are Emerald Ash trees.

Since the 35 trees being cut down now were heavily infested with Emerald Ash Borers, disposal of the trees is being handled according to Iowa DNR standards--the trees were removed and chipped for recycling. Any wood that could not be chipped will be burned within Winnesheik County. No wood is leaving Winnesheik County.

Finally, the work being done now is not the last work that will be done.  A follow up phase is planned that will include stump grinding, soil replacement and a grass seeding where stump removal has taken place."