There are many facets to the tentative offer by Luther College to lease seven acres of the Anderson Prairie on College Drive to the Decorah School District so a new elementary school can be built there.
That's why the Luther College Land Use Committee has created a website ( with information on the proposal.
By visiting the web page, the public can find information relevant to the proposal and the prairie. The web page includes a time line for review of the proposal, with May the tentative deadline to submit the idea to the Luther Board of Regents, if the campus community approves.
The web page also has a section for comment, but that section is intended for Luther College faculty, staff and students. The page states, "If you are not faculty, staff, or student from Luther, we encourage you also to engage in the process, through letters to and conversation with those involved in the larger process, such as the Decorah School Board, Decorah City Council and local news outlets. Luther's Land Use Committee will focus on feedback from the college community but it is happy to receive copies of all correspondence."