(Molly e-mails: "With the new road construction done at the intersection of Bluffton Road and 310th Street, I'm wondering if there is any plan to put up a guard rail or something more to help keep that intersection safe? Though I realize the intent was to make the intersection safer to begin with, habit can be dangerous, too, as well as those who may not be able to stop in time to correct themselves of their habit this coming winter. I hope it doesn't take an accident to bring this to someone's attention.")
Mr. Answer Person says: "Yes, this intersection was a problem intersection for a long time. County officials are happy they were finally able to dedicate some funds to redoing the intersection.
Having said that, they think the new intersection is improved enough that guardrails aren't necessary. There's no longer a hill crest to contend with and drivers would have to knock over some directional signs to go off the road.
So encourage your neighbors to keep their speeds under control and learn new habits!"