This week is National Flu Immunization Week and Winneshiek County Public Health wants to remind you, it is not too late to get your flu shot.
This reminder was the nudge I needed to go in and get my flu shot for the year. Admittedly, I have not always been good about getting my annual flu shot. Some years I have and some years I haven't. There's no rationale behind my intermittent flu vaccinations - it's just reality.
Although you can get the flu vaccine at almost any pharmacy or healthcare facility in the area, I decided to take advantage of the walk-in clinic hours at the Winneshiek County Public Health office. They are offering flu shots on Wednesday mornings from 8:00 -11:30 a.m. and on Friday afternoons from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. They began administering flu shots back in September, and they'll continue until their supply expires.
When I arrived in the Public Health office in Decorah, I was supprised to find no line or any kind of delay. In fact, the entire flu vaccination process took less than 10 minutes out of my day. After completing some minor paperwork, I was ready to get my shot. I rolled up my sleeve, turned my head to look away, and had a Band-Aid on my arm almost before I realized the nurse had already given me the shot. That was it! It really was that easy.
The nurses I spoke with in the Public Health office told me they have seen a decrease in the number of people coming in for their flu shot this year. They feel the primary reason for this is that the flu mist is not being offered as a vaccination option this year, only the shot. The flu mist was approved by the FDA but not by the CDC, so it is not an option for this flu season.
Getting a flu shot really is a smart and easy thing to do. With flu activity increasing and family and friends getting together over the holidays, now is the time to get vaccinated.