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The City of Decorah's deer program is about to start over

Posted: Sun, Nov 27, 2016 1:24 PM
Deer visit a south Decorah property

The Decorah City Council spent a fair amount of time during the past year talking about the overpopulation of deer within the city limits.

They ran out of time to reach agreement before this bow hunting deer season arrived, so instead of having a DNR-supervised program, they decided to publicize city property owners who would allow bow hunters to hunt on their property.

City Administrator Chad Bird says there were six property owners willing to allow hunters on their land. In addition, the city government set aside some park land for hunting under the guidance of the Parks Department.

However, only four hunters expressed interest in hunting on city or private land and only one of those seems to have followed through.  City officials say no known deer harvests have been reported, although some may have occurred.

City council member Chuck Lore--who led the drive to have deer hunting within city limits--says he's ready to start over again on a deer program--now that there is more time to prepare.

There will be an aerial deer population count this winter, when the leaves are gone and snow makes it easier to spot deer.  Lore says that will help the city to figure out just how big a deer herd there is.

The full Decorah City Council has given its approval to paying the cost of the deer survey.