Seventeen Iowa 4-H'ers--including Postville resident Marissa Foels--will represent Iowa as delegates to the 2016 National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, beginning Friday and running through Tuesday.
The National 4-H Congress recognizes the delegates' outstanding leadership and community work and is an opportunity for leaders in 4-H to meet and learn from each other. The meeting will include keynote speakers, tours of Atlanta, service work around the city, workshops and an international banquet and formal gala.
Marissa is the daughter of Loren and JoEllen Foels of Postville. She has been a 4-H member for nine years. She has participated in communications, clothing and fashion, citizenship, leadership and photography projects. She has been president and vice president of her 4-H club. Foels also has participated in her county 4-H council and youth committee, as well as State 4-H Council and Iowa 4-H Conference.