Margaret e-mails: "The city is having leaf pick-ups in neighborhoods according to our city wards. This plan makes sense, as each week the city workers would only have to focus on one area. However, the leaves are mostly still on the trees! I just watched a city truck head down our street slowly with his equipment ready to scoop up leaves, but there aren't any on the street yet. I'm not criticizing the street department--they have worked very hard all year with the endless debris from flooding, and I will do my best to get my leaves to the compost site on my own. However, there are many folks who appreciate the curb-side pick-up and depend on that service. I'm wondering if the city will re-think their original plan and perhaps return to each ward again after the raking has been finished."
Mr. Answer Person says: "This year's schedule is an experiment, so that means when leaf pickup season is over, Street Department people will sit down to review how this year's program went and what changes might be made for next year. One possible adjustment would be to have a leaf pickup day of the week—just like everyone has one day a week when their garbage is picked up. But it's important to say, as you have, that the Street Department has been doing a good job this year. The leaf pickup schedule this year is easier to understand than it was in previous years—even if the program might change slightly next year."