(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Winneshiek County Republican Party Chairman Thomas Hansen):
Is there truly anyone (outside the Winneshiek County Democratic Party) that believes this was not done by a Democrat; that if I had left the sign as is, Democrats would not have been gleefully snickering under their breath until election day; that if I had not put up the second sign, the Democrats would have come forth and offered to replace the first?
This is not about some silly childish prank. This is about individuals being pelted with eggs, rocks, bricks, bottles and whatever else is handy at the time; about individuals being chased down like animals, assaulted and their clothes being ripped off and burned; about their vehicles being jumped upon, windows and lights broken and spray painted all while entering or exiting Trump events. It is about personal property being stolen, destroyed and sometimes burnt right in individuals' front yards. It is about the Winneshiek County Republicans Party's property being defaced at the County Fair this year because Democrats felt what was being presented did not "promote positive discussion" between the parties and that the people making the statements were ignorant (and yes, this was admitted by the WCDP).
But it is more about the deafening silence by the Democratic Party as a whole about these crimes and their failure to reign in their members and make them obey the law. It is mostly about though walking in the footsteps of the Founders of this Nation. The ones that endured "a long train of abuses and usurpations" until they had had enough, took a stand and made they sacrifices necessary to secure the Liberty of their posterity.
The only reason this is an issue now is because we, the Winneshiek County Republican Party, have had enough of this lawlessness, hypocrisy, disrespect and intolerance from the party that claims to be the opposite and have taken a stand against it. If the Democrats want thing to change, then I suggest they clean their own house first, starting here in Winneshiek County.